Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Momma's Day / Birthday Boy Hike....

Photography Exercise: Setting with Purpose

We went on a little hike to Celebrate....
Luke's 5th Birthday and Mother's Day.

Luke was thrilled to be celebrating his special day....
by bug hunting along the way.

It was wonderful to be together as a family,
just enjoying the great outdoors....

One of the best gifts this momma could ever have is to be with

her hubby and kiddo's with my camera in hand!

I took this opportunity to work on a photography exercise.

Shooting in a "Setting with Purpose."

I have a tendency to focus in on details. It was allot of fun to intentionally work on stepping back and taking in the bigger picture.

I love the perspective of how small our children look against the

big vast landscape.

It's precious to see how small Luke still looks ( even as a big boy 5 year old) standing next to his big strong daddy.

In observing and trying to capture the surroundings we where in (and not just the people), it really helped broaden the overall enjoyment of our walk.

As I view the images after the fact we are able to continue to enjoy the scenery and still be beckoned by the trails.

Makayla has taken a liking to photography as well and was adamant about taking at least one picture of mommy and daddy! Huh... I may get to be in some family pictures after all! I think she's got an artistic eye. I love how the trail is winding down below us and we are just off center.

This is my favorite of the bunch!
A Very Happy Momma's and Birthday Indeed!

1 comment:

  1. What a great day! I love that last one too - they are so cute. And looks like Makayla's taking after Mommy - great picture of the two of you!
